
May 18, 2013

Microsoft IllumiRoom

Microsoft IllumiRoom and the CES 2013
Microsoft’s approach towards unveiling the curtains on its IllumiRoom Technology seemed rather queer to many at the CES. The software giant, who has been allegedly known to boast off their projects accompanied by tons of research papers and technical jargons, adopted somewhat a different strategy. Microsoft’s chief technology strategy officer Eric Rudder joined the Samsung keynote and showcased a video of an augmented reality projection unit designed uniquely to extend gaming onto nearby walls. The demo showed off a concept that appeared finely tuned, using what felt like a marketing video.
Based on what we saw at this year’s CES, the IllumiRoom adapts the science of 3D mapping, integrating it with the Microsoft’s Kinect sensors in order to “blur the lines between on-screen content and the environment we live in allowing us to combine our virtual and physical worlds.” Although Microsoft is trying to keep a hush hush on further details, the Illumiroom has already sparked interests of many around the world debating whether if it really is the future of gaming going beyond just our television sets or just another disappointment for its fans. Nonetheless, Microsoft is most probably going to release further details about the illumiroom in April at the ACM SIGCHI Conference at Paris about their plans to either develop the IllumiRoom as a consumer-friendly product or to use it as a jumping off point for further forays into the world of immersive gaming.
IllumiRoom and the Xbox rumors

As far as the rumors about its association with the next generation Xbox is concerned, Microsoft team has managed to remain smartly quiet about it. However, Rudder did share earlier that it's simply a proof-of-concept project and “the LED is projecting for a frame and then turning it off and Kinect IR is reading those layovers." "Then the Kinect turns off for a frame and then the projector goes on and then Kinect will go back and forth."
Based on what we heard from Rudder, Microsoft is indeed an incredibly sophisticated technology allowing you to project on almost anything irrespective of whether the surface is flat or not.
A glimpse behind the curtains:
The IllumiRoom system is self-calibrating and designed in a way that could work almost in any living room. The current prototype of the Microsoft Illumiroom uses a Kinect for Windows camera along with a projector to transfer content onto walls along with capturing both the color scheme and geometry of the room whereas the projector displays all of the visuals around your television set. Moreover, it also adds value to your games by not only extending the content, but also highlighting the edges of games and enhancing the selected game components such as weapons, fire and even explosions.
Additionally, the IllumiRoom also saturates the room colors by either making them appear as black and white or highlighting the edges of your living room. Microsoft is also rumored to be working on lighting effects in order to capture the motions from the game and display it within a living room thus extending the reality of the game objects and dispersing them out of the screen and onto a living room floor.

Samsung S4 vs. Htc One --------- Survival of the fittest
So here we are, back once again contemplating on which android to opt for? Whether it is going to be the chic, sassy and durable HTC One? Or the revolutionary survivor Samsung S4…
Here are some key features to help you ease your decision and opt for one that would meet all your needs.

The Design
The new HTC One’s stunningly handsome 4.7-inch 1080p Super LCD3 display, edged on all sides by a thin black bezel backed up by a curved posterior not only gives it a perfect finish, but at the same time makes the device rather quite easy to hold, irrespective of its weight. The Samsung Galaxy S4 on the other hand, offers a larger display of almost 5 inches being comparatively thinner and lighter in terms of weight and gives a somewhat solid feel when held. However, it would be safe to point out here that when it comes to design HTC One undoubtedly offers a much more premium look and feel.

The Display
Nowadays when an HD screen has practically become one of the key standard requirements for all androids, HTC has definitely gotten the upper edge with a 1920 x 1080 pixel translating into a 468 ppi as compared to the Galaxy S4’s 441 ppi. Apart from this, the One also tends to outshine S4 in terms of brightness, registering 463 lux as compared to S4’s 296 lux causing its display to be somewhat dimmer and tougher to read.

The Features
The One’s 4 mega pixels rear camera makes it more sensational for shooting photos in the dark but it does not do much justice to the daylight, whereas the GS4 flaunts a 13 megapixel front and rear camera allowing users to exploit both photos as well as videos through its cameras along with a plenty of other creative options to explore the photographer within you. Additionally, Samsung has also successfully experimented with a range of other motions and gestures in S4 including Quick Glance, Smart Pause and even Air Browse while HTC seems to have played it safe this time, sticking to only Blink Feed that provides a visual news feed of everything that you would want to know or read.

The Final Verdict
Choosing between the two has been indeed no easy task …. at least not for me, since they both tend to have their own individual strengths and short comings. The S4 on one hand leads as one of the most feature rich android ever made, where you are bound to spend weeks just discovering its cool, enticing features. Moreover it is also equipped with a far more sophisticated keyboard and a spiky camera.
The One on the other hand confidently boasts its premium design and demeanor with enhanced speakers and a dazzling, vivid screen making it far more reliable for everyday usage.

Contributed by Kiren

May 16, 2013

Follow The Tech Tinkle on BBM Channels

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Blackberry Introduces BBM Channels!!

Image Credits: Crackberry
Blackberry (formerly RIM) has announced some exciting stuff at their BlackBerry Live 2013 conference. Besides the third phone with BB10 OS, the Q5 specifically targeted towards teens and emerging markets, it also announced anew social platform BBM Channels, targeted towards brands, celebrities and businesses to stay in touch with their followers and give them instant updates and posts securely. Below is the blog post from the official BlackBerry blog:

Mar 12, 2013

Sharing: What 3D Printing Means for The Future.

A very well written and knowledgeable article about 3D printing and its future, must read.

"Why this mattersThe ability to bring an object immediately into your home with the click of a button is bound to change the way our world works. 3D Printing is an inevitable part of our future, but what does that future look like?"

Image Credits: Above Article