
Dec 13, 2011

How To Give iOS 5 Notification Center On iPhone/iPod Touch A Glassy Blurry Background Effect!!

Since the launch of iOS 5, there have been many tweaks and apps to customize its look and feel. With Notification Center being one of the most welcomed feature out of the 200+ new features included in iOS 5, here is a tweak to customize it.

The one niggling irritation with Notification Center is that rather horrid ‘linen’ background affect that Apple seems to be such a fan of these days. Some might like it, granted, but we are willing to say there are probably just as many that just can not abide it.
So, how do you get rid of it?

If you are using a jailbroken iOS 5 device, then you can use BlurriedNCBackground to not only remove the offending linen, but to also change the behavior of the background entirely.

Once installed via Cydia for free under the BigBoss repo, BlurriedNCBackground will remove the linen effect completely, making Notification Center transparent. Now you have a selection of options which will allow you to change how blurry you want to make the Home Screen which will now show through the newly-transparent Notification Center.

The one downside to this tweak is the slower than usual Notification Center load times. There is an option in the BlurriedNCBackground settings which will make the blur load after Notification Center, but while that will speed proceedings up, it does ruin some of the experience. Give it a try, and see what you think yourself.

Via Redmondpie 

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